Worship, Baptisms and Membership
Everyone is welcome to come along to worship.
Holy Communion is celebrated monthly, usually on the second Sunday of the month. Through sharing bread and wine together, we remember the Last Supper Jesus shared with His disciples, and we celebrate His risen presence with us. You do not have to be a member to participate in Holy Communion, but, equally, no pressure is placed upon anyone to receive. Non-alcoholic wine is used.
Along with Holy Communion, Baptism is the other sacrament celebrated by the Methodist Church.
We offer baptism to those who have not previously been baptised.
What is expected?
For a baby or child, the parents will be asked to ensure that the child is brought to church on a regular basis as they grow up.
For an adult, it is expected that you attend Confirmation classes, because your baptism will be immediately followed by Confirmation, when you will be received as a member of the Methodist Church. As such, you will be promising to worship, serve and care for others, help share the Good News of Jesus, and grow as a disciple of Jesus.
Anyone already baptised is welcome to attend Confirmation Classes.
Anyone baptised and confirmed is welcome to request to become a member of the Methodist Church.